St Mary's the Virgin, Mold

We love meeting new visitors! We give a warm welcome to all, inclusively. We also understand there can be questions you may have, and on this page we have some FAQ’s and links below, to help you on your way

Where is St Mary’s, Mold?

St Mary’s is really easy to find, half way up the High St, she looks over most of Mold.

Check out the FIND US button, which takes you straight to the page you need and gives a map with further details, including public transport

What time do I need to arrive?

We have several services during the week and the times for these are on the services page. It’s a good idea to arrive around ten minutes before the service starts – unless it’s a large seasonal service, in which case, we will also give reminders to come earlier.

What should I wear?

We love people. diversity and this reflects in clothes, too. Just come as you feel comfortable. Emergence tends to be more relaxed than Sung Eucharist services, but all are welcome whatever service or event is taking place and we welcome contact anytime.

It maybe worth considering wearing something you’d feel able to kneel in at the communion rail, if that’s relevant for you.

I have a disability – may I visit the church?

We try to help those who are less able and have an awareness of hearing challenges, physical and mental health challenges, but if there’s something you need help with, please don’t hesitate in coming forwards. You can call or write in advance of visiting or speak to one of the welcomers/stewards who give the hymn books. If they are able, people in congregation love to help others as well.

In taking Holy Communion, for example, we bring the bread and wine to those who need to remain seated and struggle to walk. We also have a hearing loop, among other help in place.

The back door also has a more gentle slope for those who need it.

What happens in a service?

We have welcomers to all services, fresh flowers less or more depending on the season. There are stands to look round with information and we are guided to and through by those leading the service. Again, just ask if you are in any doubt…

Every service is different in some way and by season, too. All have worship, readings, talks, prayers and notices with refreshments and chance to chat after, ask questions or wander around the beautiful church/have a little quiet time.

Emergence is multi media, using screens to follow words to choruses, with a guitarist or small band with singers. Everything is more informal, with different creative aspects or sometimes a cafe style, around tables with coffee and sometimes a short video course included. There are also more personal prayer opportunities for you

The more traditional Eucharists are usually led musically by the full organ sounds and choir. We have books and sheets we follow with bible readings and Banns of Marriage are usually read in the Sunday morning 11am service

Services are generally an hour long

Do you have toilet facilities?

Unfortunately we only have a temporary cabin toilet outside, as we await our building development which will have something far more comfortable! There are also local cafes and such nearby, that have toilet facilities

May I ask for prayer?

Prayer is at the heart of our church…please just ask and we will arrange someone to spend time with you. Often, we offer time for people to come forward towards the end or at the end of a service

Main contacts below and on Footer-we look forwards to welcoming you!

Rev’d Canon Martin Batchelor: 01352 961520

Rev’d Dan Morgan: 07778 870 219