This page is Better! Bigger! Faster!

Esther: 07889 590 099

We're Listening

Top Church Youth group is led by Esther. It’s new and small so there’s time for you. It’s time for you to be heard. The main thing is, it’s your time – so if you want to be quiet and have a place to think, ask questions or just chat, then reach out and ask Esther or one of the other leaders who can help put you in touch with her.

Because we’re quite new in some ways and we’ve got lots of  ideas, we’d love to hear yours – no pressure, but it would be great to hear from you.

We’ve had 4 bands from the US to bring a joint gig, all the way over to the UK and us, in Mold. We’ve had and jam sessions with pizza, done Flip Out, been bowling and out and about, this summer. We’ve lots of exciting things lined up for the autumn – if you’re interested, just pick up the phone!