St Mary's Botanicals

St Mary’s has a long tradition of including botanicals in worship and as part of church life from weddings to funerals – from Harvest to Christmas, botannicals help symbolise much and engage us at deeper level spiritually with our faith. We have held large scale flower festivals and enjoy visiting Mold Flower Club. In front of our church is a beautiful flower bed and at special celebration times we have stunning arrangments. We also love to see the flowers our brides bring and various ways in which flowers are used to decorate the church.

We also use botannical essences in oils used for worship and healing prayers…

If you would like to be included in the flower rota, we would love to hear from you…

Botanical references are found in scripture and used symbolically as well as practically

‘I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys’

Song of Solomon 2:1

The desert rose of Sharon, lily, crocus, myrtle, olive and fig trees, grapes and so much more have great symbolism and are referenced several time in scipture. Just some are found in the following link – also here is a taster video – please just click to play, when it will loop until pause is pressed:

Here is a link to Mold Flower Club which meets most months of the year